

Papers by research theme

Empirical analysis of IT innovation in both IT production and user sectors
2018/11 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Understanding AI Driven Innovation by Linked Database of Scientific Articles and Patents", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 18-P-017, RIETI, 2018/11
2018/07 元橋一之, "AIにおけるサイエンスとイノベーションの共起化:米国における論文・特許データベースを用いた分析", NISTEP Discussion Paper, No.160, NISTEP, 2018/07
2016/10 元橋一之, "日本の製造業におけるビッグデータ活用とイノベーションに関する実態", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series 16-P-012, 独立行政法人経済産業研究所, 2016/10
2016/04 元橋一之、池内健太、党建偉, "意匠権および商標権に関するデータベースの構築", 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所, 2016/04
2015/10 絹川 真哉・田中 辰雄・西尾 好司・元橋 一之, "ビッグデータを用いたイノベーションのトレンドと事例研究", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series 15-P-015, 2015/10
2015/10 元橋 一之・カン・ビョンウ, "公的研究機関のイノベーションプラットフォームとしての役割:TIAナノの事例研究", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series 15-P-014, 2015/10
2014/02/13 Yeong-Wha Sawng, Jungmann Lee, Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Digital convergence service from the viewpoint of provider and user factors using technology acceptance and diffusion model”, Cluster Computing Feb 2014, Springer US, 2014/02/13
2013/03 元橋一之、「半導体イノベーションと経済成長:成長要因会計による現状分析と将来推計」、経済統計研究、第40巻、IV号、pp.50-62, 2013/03
2013/03 Yeong-Wha Sawng, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Gang-Hoon Kim, "Comparative analysis of innovative diffusion in the high-tech markets of Japan and South Korea: a use-diffusion model approach", Service Business, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp.143-166, 2013/03
2012/06 Byeongwoo Kang and Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Determinants of Essential Intellectual Property Rights for Wireless Communications Standards: Manufacturing firms vs. non-manufacturing patentees", RIETI Discussion Paper Series 12-E-042, 2012/06
2012/06 池田大造、元橋一之「移動体通信イノベーションにおけるエコシステムの分析」、研究技術計画、第25巻、第3/4号、pp.327-341、2012/06
2012/04 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Deog-Ro Lee, Yeong-Wha Sawng c and Seung-Ho Kim, "Innovative converged service and its adoption, use and diffusion: a holistic approach to diffusion of innovations, combining adoption-diffusion and use-diffusion paradigms", Journal of Business Economics and Management, Volume 13, No. 2, pp.308-333, 2012/04
2010/12 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Comparative Analysis of IT Management and Productivity between Japanese and U.S. Firms”, in Conference Volume of the Seventh Asia Academy of Management Conference, Macau SAR, December 12-14, 2010  
2010/11 元橋一之、「ITと生産性に関する実証分析:マクロ・ミクロ両面からの日米比較」、RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series、10-P-008、2010年11月、pp.1-30
2010/04 Satoshi Kinugasa, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Sawng Yeong-Wha and Shinichiro Terada, “Empirical Study of IPTV Diffusion: Comparison between Japan and Korea“ , RIETI Discussion Paper Series 10-E-021, 2010/4
2010/1 元橋一之、「IT と生産性に関する日米比較:マクロ・ミクロ両面からの計量分析」、日本銀行ワーキングペーパーシリーズNo.10-J-2、2010年1月
2009/12 Kazunori MINETAKI and Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI, “Subcontracting Structure and Productivity in the Japanese Software Industry”,The Review of Socionetwork Strategies(2009) 3, 2009/12, pp.51-65
2009/8 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Software Patent and its Impact on Software Innovation in Japan”,RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-E -038, 2009/8
2009/6 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “A Comparative Analysis of Japanese, U.S., and Korean Firms on IT and Management”, in Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management, June 18-19, Bangkok, Thailand
2009/5 元橋 一之、「IT イノベーションと経済成長:マクロレベル生産性におけるムーアの法則の重要性」、RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-J-016、2009 年5 月
2008/12 峰滝和典・元橋一之、「ソフトウェア産業の重層的下請構造:イノベーションと生産性に関する実証分析」、RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-J -002、2008年12月
2008/10 Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Information Technology and Economic Growth:A Comparison between Japan and Korea”, Seoul Journal of Economics 21(4), Winter 2008, working paper version is here
2008/9 B.K.Atrostic, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Sang V.Nguyen, “Computer Network Use and Firms'Productivity Performance: The United States VS. Japan”, US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Discussion Paper 08-30, 2008/9
2008/9 Xiaoyang FENG and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT Management of Chinese Firms: Quantitative Analysis by Using Survey Data”, Proceeding of The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Technology, pp. 480-485, working paper version is here
2008/09 「ビジネスイノベーションを加速させる”攻め”のIT攻略を考える」(9月10日開催 NEC Middleware DAY 2008)
2008/09 「企業競争力を高めるIT活用方法とは」(日経BP社)
2008/8 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT, enterprise reform, and productivity in Chinese manufacturing firms”, Journal of Asian Economics 19(4), August 2008, pp.325-333
2008/4 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Comparing IT Service Management between Japanese and US Firms by Econometric Approach”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) 15(1), 2008/4, pp.252-255
2008/3 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Comparative Analysis of IT Management and Productivity between Japanese and U.S. Firms”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 08-E-007, 2008/03
2008/3 Xiaoyang FENG and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT Management of Chinese Firms: Quantitative Analysis by Using Survey Data”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 08-E-008, 2008/03
2007/12 Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “ The Effects of Supply Chain Management Systems on Productivity through a Reduction in Inventory Levels”, Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information 16(3), December 2007, pp.35-44
2007/7 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “A Comparative Analysis of Japanese, U.S., and Korean Firms on IT and Management”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-E-047, 2007/07
2007/7 元橋一之、「日米韓企業のIT経営に関する比較分析」、 RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-J-029、 2007/07
2007/4 峰滝和典・元橋一之、「日本のソフトウェア産業の業界構造と生産性に関する実証分析」、 RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-J-018、2007/04
2007/3 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Firm-level analysis of information network use and productivity in Japan”, Journal of The Japanese and International Economies 21(1), 2007, pp.121-137
2007/3 Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Information Technology and Economic Growth: Comparison between Japan and Korea”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-E-009, 2007/03
2006/7 Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Centralization or Decentralization of Decision Rights? Impact on IT Performance of Firms”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 06-E-032, 2006/07
2006/6 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “The IT Revolution's Implications for the Japanese Economy, in Japan: Moving Toward a More Advanced Knowledge Economy”, T. Shibata ed., World Bank Institute, Washington DC, 2006/06
2005/12 Dale W.Jorgenson and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “ Information technology and the Japanese economy ?”, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 19(4), December 2005, pp.460-481
2005/9 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT, Enterprise Reform and Productivity in Chiese Manufacturing Firms”, RIETI Discussion Paper Seriies, 05-E-25, 2005/09
2005/8 Kanamori Takahito and Kazuyuki Motohashi, Measurement of E-commerce: Japanese Experience and its Comparison with Korea and China, in Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Information Statistics of the Internet Measurement, Analysis and Applications, August 25-26, 2005, Seoul
2005/3 B. K. Atrostic, P. Boegh-Nielsen, Kazuyuki Motohashi and S. Nguyen, “Technologie de l'information, productivite et croissance des entreprise:resultats bases sur de nouvelles microdonnees internationales”, L'Actualite Economique 81(1-2), March 2005, pp. 255-280
2005/3 元橋一之、「ITイノベーションの実証分析-日本経済のパフォーマンスはどう変化したか」、東洋経済新報社、2005年3月
2004/12 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yue Ximing, “IT, Enterprise Reform and Productivity in Chinese Manufacturing Firms”, presented for the Conference on IT Innovation, December 13-14, 2004
2004/8 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Measuring E-Commerce in Japan:Statistical Issues and Challenges”, in Conference Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Information Statistics of the Internet:Measurement, Analysis and Applications,August 19-20,2004,Macao and Hong Kong,pp.179-191
2004/4 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Quantifying IT Economy:Survey of IT Statistics in Japan,Presented for OECD/ICCP/WPIIS Meeting,April 2004,OECD,Paris
2004/3 B.K.Atrostic, P.Bough-Nielsen and S.Nguyen and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “ IT,Productivity and Growth in Enterprise:New Results from International Micro Data”, in The Economic Impact of ICT:Measurement, Evidence and Implications, 2004, OECD Paris
2004/3 Dale.W.Jorgenson and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Potential Growth of the Japanese and U.S.Economies in the Information Age”, ESRI Discussion Paprer,March,2004
2004/1 「これからの10年間2%半ばの成長は可能(デール・ジョルゲンソンと共著)、週刊東洋経済、2004年1月17日号
2003/12 元橋一之、「ニューエコノミーの定量的把握:IT統計の現状と課題」、経済統計研究、2003年度31巻3号、経済統計協会
2003/9 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Firm Level Analysis of Information Network use and Productivity in Japan”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 03-E-021, 2003/09
2003/5 Dale.W.Jorgenson and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Economic Growth of Japan and the United States in the Information Age”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 03-E-015, 2003/05
2002/11 元橋一之、日本経済の情報化と生産性に関する米国との比較分析、RIETI Discussion Paper Series 02-J-018,2002年11月
2002/8 B.K. Atrostic, P Bough-Nielsen and Kazuyuki Motohashi, IT, Productivity and Growth in Enterprise: Evidence from new international micro data, presented at IAOS (International Association of Official Statistics) New Economy Conference in London, August 2002
2002/4 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Measuring E-commerce:Lesson from the ICT Workplace Survey in Japan, presented at OECD expert meeting on “Definition and Measuring Electronic Commerce”, Stockholm, April 2002
2001/1 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Economic Analysis of Information Network Use:Organizational and Productivity Impacts on Japanese Firms”, mimeo, January 2001
2001/ Kazuyuki Motohashi, Conceptual Mapping of Service Innovation: The Role of IT and Implications on New Indicators, Journal of Science Policy and Research Management 16(3/4), 2001, pp.203-213
1999/1 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Changing Nature of Japanese Firm?:Technology Adoption, Organizational Structure and Human Resource Strategy”, in Micro-and Macrodate of Firms:Statistical Analysis and International Comparison, S.Biffignandi ed. 1999, Physica-Verlag, New York
1998/6 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Measuring Services Innovations and Information Technology”, a paper present for the workshop on new S&T statistics, June 1998, OECD, Paris, France
1997/10 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “ICT Diffusion and its Economic Impact on OECD countries”, OECD Science Technology and Industry Review, no.20, pp.13-45, 1997, OECD, Paris, France
1996/9 元橋一之、「情報化社会の経済分析:マクロ、ミクロ両面から見た検討」、経済統計研究、1996年度24巻2号、通産統計協会
1996/7 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Use of Information Networks, Organizational Changes and Productivity: Firm Level Evidence in Japan”, a paper presented for the NBER Summer Institute: Productivity Workshop, July 1996, Cambridge, USA
1995/12 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Firm Level Survey of Information Network in Japan”, a paper presented for OECD Economic Workshop of Information Infrastructure NO.2, December 1995, Istanbul, Turkey
1993/5 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Japanese Industrial Policy of Computer Industry: Policy Instruments & Institutional State-Business Relationship”, unpublished paper presented for the World Bank, May 1993