

Papers by research theme

National innovation system in China and Asia
2019/01 Haiyan Yu, Jianwei Dang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Post-M&A technological capability-building of emerging market firms in China: the case of Lenovo", Asia Pacific Business Review, 25:1, 40-60, 2019/01
2018/07 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "The Regional Innovation System in China: Regional comparison of technology, venture financing, and human capital focusing on Shenzhen", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 18-P-012, RIETI, 2018/07
2018/05 元橋 一之, “中国の地域イノベーションシステム:深センを中心とした技術、資金、人材の現状”, RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series 18-P-011, 2018/05
2016/12 Haiyu Mao , Kazuyuki Motohashi, "A Comparative Study on Tenant Firms in Beijing Tsinghua University Science Park and Shenzhen Research Institute of Tsinghua University ", Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, Vol 5 No3 December 2016, 2016/12
2015/09 Jianwei Dang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Patent statistics: A good indicator for innovation in China? Patent subsidy program impacts on patent quality", China Economic Review Volume 35, September 2015, pp137–155, 2015/09
2015/08 Haiyu Mao, Jianwei Dang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Physically Proximate or Culturally Cohesive? Geography, Ethnic Ties, and Innovation in China", IAM Discussion Paper Series #39, UTokyo Policy Alternatives Research Institute, 2015/08
2015/01 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Comment on “Different Impacts of Scientific and Technological Knowledge on Economic Growth: Contrasting Science and Technology Policy in East Asia and Latin America", Asian Economic Policy Review (2015) 10, pp67-68, 2015/01
2014/11 Byeongwoo Kang, Dong Huob, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Comparison of Chinese and Korean companies in ICT global standardization: Essential patent analysis", Science Direct, Telecommunications Policy,Volume 38, Issue 10, November 2014, Pages 902?913, 2014/11
2014/11 Yuan Yuan & Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Impact of Leverage on Investment by Major Shareholders: Evidence from Listed Firms in China", China Economic Journal Volume 7 Issue 3 pp299-319, 2014/11
2014/2 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "India as a Destination of the R&D of Multinational Companies: Importance and Management Strategies of Local R&D Centers", Seoul Journal of Economics Volume 27 Number 1 Spring 2014
2014/1 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Multinational's Global Open Innovation Activities in Emerging Markets: A Case of Japanese Firms’ Collaborations with National Research Institutes in Thailand", ADVANCES IN GLOBAL BUSINESS RESEARCH, 10(2), pp.224-232,
2013/11 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Jianwei Dang, "Patent statistics: A good indicator for innovaton in China? Patent subsidy program impacts on patent quality", IAM Discussion Paper Series #29, 2013/11
2013/10 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "The role of the science park in innovation performance of start-up firms: an empirical analysis of Tsinghua Science Park in Beijing", Asia Pacific Business Review, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp.578-599, 2013/10
2012/07 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Management of Offshore R&D in China: Cross Country Differences in Motivation and Performance", Institutions and Economies, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 101-120, 2012/07
2012/07 Jianwei Dang and Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Patent value and liquidity: evidence from patent-collateralized loans in China", Discussion Paper Series No.026, 2012/07
2012/03 元橋一之、「知財制度とイノベーション:日中韓の比較と相互協力のあり方」、日本知財学会誌Volume 8, No.3, pp.52-59, 2012/03
2011/11 元橋一之・小川紘一・立本博文・富田純一・新宅純二郎、『グローバルビジネス戦略』(東京大学知的資産経営総括寄付講座シリーズ第2巻、渡部俊也編)、白桃書房、 2011年11月
2011/11 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "The role of science park in innovation performance of start-up firms: An empirical analysis of Tsinghua Science Park in Beijing", in Proceedings of 2011 Fourth International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, November 26-27, 2011, Shenzhen, China, Volume 3, pp.254-257
2011/06 HONG Wei, Kazuyuki Motohashi, ZENG Guoping, "Whether Neighboring with Universities Can Enhance Innovation Competency: A Study Based on SMEs at the Tsinghua Science Park", Science of Science and Management of S. and T., 2011/06
2010/11 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “R&D Activities of Manufacturing Multinationals in China: Structure, Motivations and Regional Differences”, China&World Economy, Volume18, Issue6, 2010/11, pp.56-72
2010/05 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yuan Yuan, “Does Bank Loan Ratio Affect Investment of China's Listed Companies?”, Economics Bulletin, Volume30, Issue 2, 2010/05, pp.1173-1181
2010/04 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yuan Yuan, “Productivity impact of technology spillover from multinationals to local firms: Comparing China's automobile and electronics industries” , Research Policy, Volume 39, Issue 6, 2010/4, pp.790-798
2009/10 金玲・元橋一之、「中国サイエンスパークにおけるイノベーションシステム:清華大学科技園に関する事例研究」、IAM Discussion Paper Series #010、2009年10月
2009/2 Chih-Hai Yang, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Jong-Rong Chen, "Are new technology-based firms located on science parks really more innovative? Evidence from Taiwan", Research Policy 38(1), 2009/2, pp. 77-85
2009/2 Kazuyuki Motohashi and YuanYuan, “IT, R&D and Productivity of Chinese Manufacturing Firms”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-E-007, 2009/2
2009/2 Kazuyuki Motohashi and YuanYuan, “Technology Spillovers from Multinationals to Local Firms: Evidence from Automobile and Electronics Firms in China”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-E-005, 2009/2
2009/2 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Catching up or lagging behind? Assessment of technological capacity of China by patent database ”, China Economic Journal 2(1), February 2009 , pp. 1 - 24
2008/9 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Assessment of technological capability in science industry linkage in China by patent database”, World Patent Information 30(3), September 2008, Pages 225-232
2008/9 Xiaoyang FENG and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT Management of Chinese Firms: Quantitative Analysis by Using Survey Data”, Proceeding of The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Technology, pp. 480-485, working paper version is here
2008/8 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT, enterprise reform, and productivity in Chinese manufacturing firms”, Journal of Asian Economics 19(4), August 2008, pp.325-333
2008/4 Yuan Yuan and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Impact of the Debt Ratio on Firm Investment:A case study of listed companies in China”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 08-E-011, 2008/4
2008/3 Xiaoyang FENG and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “IT Management of Chinese Firms: Quantitative Analysis by Using Survey Data”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 08-E-008, 2008/03
2007/12 Dale Jorgenson, Masahiro Kuroda and Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Productivity In Asia: Economic Growth and Competitiveness”, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007/12
2007/10 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Xiao Yun, “ China's innovation system reform and growing industry and science linkages”, Research Policy 36 (8), 2007/10, pp.1251-1260
2007/9 China's innovation system reform and growing industry and science linkages (with Xiao Yun), Research Policy 36 (2007), 1251-1260
2007/7 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “A Comparative Analysis of Japanese, U.S., and Korean Firms on IT and Management”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-E-047, 2007/07
2007/7 元橋一之、「日米韓企業のIT経営に関する比較分析」、 RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-J-029、 2007/07
2006/9 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “China's National Innovation System Reform and Growing Science Industry Linkage”, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 14, 2 (2006), pp.49-65  2006/09
2006/8 元橋一之、「日本企業的R&D合作及其対国家創新系統改革的政策啓示」、『科学学研究』第24巻第4期
2006/2 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “ R&D of Multinationals in China: Structure,Motivations and Regional Defference”, RIETI Discussion Papers, 06-E-005, 2006/02
2005/6 元橋一之、「中国のイノベーションシステムに関する定量分析」、NEDO委託調査報告書、2005年6月
2005/4 Chuan Men and Kazuyuki Motohashi, The Role of Technology Market in Economic Development in China, presented at STEPI-ASIALICS International Conference, April 18-19, 2005, Jeju Seoul
2005/3 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Xiao Yun, “China's Innovation System Reform and Growing Industry and Science Linkages”, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 05-E-011, 2005/03
2004/12 Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yue Ximing, “IT, Enterprise Reform and Productivity in Chinese Manufacturing Firms”, presented for the Conference on IT Innovation, December 13-14, 2004
2004/11 「中国のイノベーションシステム改革と産業競争力の展望」、『海外投融資JOY』、2004 年11月号、pp.24~26
2004/11 元橋一之、「中国のイノベーションシステム改革と産業競争力の展望」、『海外投融資JOI』、2004年11月号、pp.24~26
1998/10 Kazuyuki Motohashi, “Structual Aspect of the Asian Finantial Crisis”, Asia Pacific Review 5(3), 1998, pp27-49