Contact: Department of Technology Management for Innovation,
University of Tokyo tel:
+81-3-5841-1828 fax:
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Professor, Department of Technology
Management for Innovation (TMI), School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Faculty Fellow, Research Institute of
Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
Visiting Researcher, National Instute of
Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Science and
University Tokyo,
Phd. Business
and Commerce, December 2000
Thesis: gEconomics of Innovation and
Technology Transfer:
Comparative Study in
OECD Countriesh
Graduate School of Management, Cornell University Ithaca,
New York, USA
Concentration: Micro-economics & Business Strategy
Activities: Vice President in Business
Affairs, Japan-U.S. Association
of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan
Concentration: Remote Sensing
Concentration: Structural mechanics of
2006-present Professor, Department of Technology Management
for Innovation, School of Engineering
of Tokyo Tokyo,
Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
of Tokyo Tokyo,
2002-2004 Associate Professor, Instute
of Innovation Research Hitotsubashi University
Fellow and Senior Manager of Quantitative Studies, RIETI
2000-2002 Research and Statistics
Departmnet, MITI Tokyo,
Deputy Director
• Reponsible for personnel and financial
resource allocation of the department with 300 staffs
• Coordinating research and statistical
activities inside MITI.
1999-2000 International
Trade Policy Bureau, MITI Tokyo,
• Briefing MITIfs policy to international
presses and economic journals
• Heading MITIfs public relations office of
5 professionals
• Overseeing MITIfs technology and
innovation policy from international perspectives
1998-1999 Small
and Medium Enterprise Agency, MITI Tokyo, Japan
• Policy evaluation of SME innovation
policy and planning new policy
• Managed regional SME policy for
enterprise clustering
1995-1998 Directorate
for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD Paris,
Economist -Economic Analysis and Statistics
• Applied micro economist; specialized on
information technology, productivity and employment
• Managing OECDfs
project on firm level micro dataset analysis
- international comparative project on
technology, productivity and employment
- comparative analysis on confidentiality
issues of micro level datasets
• Managing
OECD Input-Output Database
-1995 Research and Statistics Department, MITI Tokyo,
Associate Director - Statistics Analysis
• Economic Forecasting of Japanese Industry
• Quantitative Analysis of Economic and
Social Events
Government Scholarship at Cornel University Ithaca,
• Conducted joint study on Japanese
industrial policy with faculty members
• Student at the MBA course
-1991 Energy and Natural Resources Agency, MITI Tokyo,
Assistant Director - Electrical Safety
• Coordinated electrical appliance safety
• Set-up quality control guidelines for
appliance manufactures and importers
Assistant Director - Energy Infrastructure
• Initiated and
managed Japanese national research and development project for energy
-1990 Ministerfs Secretariat, MITI Tokyo,
• Managed development of information system
of MITI (Budget: $14 million annually)
-1989 Industrial Policy Bureau, MITI Tokyo,
Division Manager - Corporate Behavior
• Established special taxation measures to
stimulate research and development
• Negotiated with Ministry of Finance to
affect taxation measures
-1987 Machinery and Information Industry Bureau, MITI Tokyo,
Staff - Electronics Policy Division
• Managed national
research and development project on 5th generation computer system (artificial
intelligence system)
• Coordinated Germany - Japan Forum on
information technology
1992 The
World Bank (IBRD) Washington
D.C. , USA
Consultant - Industry & Energy
• Researched on
Japanese industrial policy on information industry and its political
implication for developing countries
Summer 1984 Danish
State Railways
, Denmark
Researcher – Planning Department
• Assisting digital
mapping for railway networks
6. Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Open Innovation and Firm's Survival: @An empirical investigation by using a linked dataset of patent and enterprise census", RIETI Discussion Paper Series 12-E-036, 2012/05
Kazuyuki Motohashi and Shingo Muramatsu, "Examining the
university industry collaboration policy in Japan: Patent analysis",
Technology in Society, Volume 34, Issue 2, pp.149-162, 2012/05
Kani and Kazuyuki Motohashi, " Understanding the Technology Market for
Patents: New Insights from a
Licensing Survey of Japanese Firms (invited)", WIPO SEMINAR SERIES ON
Switzerland, 2012/03
Motohashi, "Innovation Policy Challenges for Japan: An open and global
strategy", Center for Asian Studies, Institut francais des relations internationals,
Asie Visions 45, 2011/11
Motohashi, "The role of science park in innovation performance of start-up
firms: An empirical analysis of
Tsinghua Science Park in Beijing", in Proceedings of 2011 Fourth
International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and
Industrial Engineering, November 26-27, 2011, Shenzhen, China, Volume 3,
19. Grid Thoma, Kazuyuki Motohashi, and Jun Suzuki, gConsolidating firm portfolios of patents across different offices. A comparison of sectoral distribution of patenting activities in Europe and Japanh, IAM Discussion Paper Series #019, 2010/11
20. Kazuyuki Motohashi,gR•D Activities of Manufacturing Multinationals in China: Structure, Motivations and Regional Differencesh, China & World Economy, Volume18, Issue6, 2010/11, pp.56-72
21. Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yuan Yuan, gDoes Bank Loan Ratio Affect Investment of China's Listed Companies?h, Economics Bulletin, Volume30, Issue 2, 2010/05, pp.1173-1181
22. Sadao Nagaoka, Kazuyuki Motohashi, and Akira Goto, gPatent Statistics as an Innovation Indicatorh, Handbook of the Economics of Innovation Volume 2, Academic Press, 2010/05, pp.1083-1128
23. Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Globalization of Japanese Economy and Its Impact on SMEs", Restructuring Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in the Age of Globalization, KDI Press, 2010/04, pp.15-34
24. Kazuyuki Motohashi and Yuan Yuan, gProductivity impact of technology spillover from multinationals to local firms: Comparing China's automobile and electronics industriesh , Research Policy, Volume 39, Issue 6, 2010/4, pp.790-798
25. Kazunori MINETAKI and Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI, gSubcontracting Structure and Productivity in the Japanese Software Industryh,The Review of Socionetwork Strategies(2009) 3, 2009/12,@pp.51-65
26. Ayako Obashi, Kazuo Hayakawa, Toshiyuki Matsuura and@Kazuyuki Motohashi, gA Two-dimensional Analysis of the Impact of Outward FDI on Performance at Home: Evidence from Japanese manufacturing firmsh, RIETI Disucussion Paper Series 09-E-053, 2009/10
27. Masayo Kani and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gUnderstanding the Technology Market for Patents:New Insights from a Licensing Survey of Japanese Firmsh, IAM Discussion Paper Series #008, 2009/9
28. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gSoftware Patent and its Impact on Software Innovation in Japanh,RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-E -038, 2009/8
29. Kazuyuki Mtotohashi, gA Comparative Analysis of Japanese, U.S., and Korean Firms on IT and Managementh, in Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management, June 18-19, Bangkok, Thailand
30. Toshiyuki Matsuura, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Kazunobu Hayakawa, gHow Does FDI Affect Performance at Home? – An Activity-level Analysis for Japanese Electrical Machinery and Electronics Firmsh, KEIO/KYOTO GLOBAL COE Discussion Paper Series DP2009-002, 2009/6
31. Kazuyuki Mtotohashi, gCatching
up or lagging behind? Assessment of technological capacity of China by patent
databaseh, China Economic Journal 2(1), 2009/2, pp. 1 - 24
32. Akira Goto and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gTechnology
Policies in Japan:1990 to the Present, 21st Century Innovation Systems for
Japan and the United States: Lessons from a Decade of Change: Report of a
Symposiumh, National Academy Press, 2009/04, pp.29-39
33. Kazuyuki
Mtotohashi, gThe Globalization
of Japanese Firms and its Impact on the Domestic Economyh, Micro-Evidence for
the Dynamics of Industrial Evolution; the Case of the Manufacturing Industry in
Japan and Korea, Nova Science Pub Inc, 2009/01, pp.103-122
34. Chih-Hai Yang, Kazuyuki Motohashi and
Jong-Rong Chen, gAre new technology-based firms located on science parks really
more innovative? Evidence from Taiwanh, Research Policy 38(1), 2009/2, pp.
35. Kazuyuki Motohashi and YuanYuan, gIT,
R&D and Productivity of Chinese Manufacturing Firmsh, RIETI Discussion
Paper Series 09-E-007, 2009/2
36. Kazuyuki Motohashi and YuanYuan, gTechnology
Spillovers from Multinationals to Local Firms: Evidence from Automobile and
Electronics Firms in Chinah, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 09-E-005,
37. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gRegaining Japan's
Competitiveness Through Strategic R&Dh, JAPAN Regaining its Glory (edited
by DIPANKAR DEY), 2008/11, pp.163-172
38. Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gInformation
Technology and Economic Growth:A Comparison between Japan and Koreah, Seoul
Journal of Economics, 21(4), Winter 2008
39. B.K.Atrostic, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Sang
V.Nguyen, gComputer Network Use and Firms'Productivity Performance: The United
States VS. Japanh, US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Discussion
Paper 08-30, 2008/9
40. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gAssessment of
technological capability in science industry linkage in China by patent
databaseh, World Patent Information 30(3), September 2008, Pages 225-232
41. Toshiyuki Matsuura, Kazuyuki Motohashi,
Kazunobu Hayakawa, gHow Does FDI in East Asia Affect Performance at Home?:
Evidence from Electrical Machinery Manufacturing Firmsh, RIETI Discussion Paper
Series 08-E-034, 2008/9
42. Xiaoyang FENG and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gIT
Management of Chinese Firms: Quantitative Analysis by Using Survey Datah,
Proceeding of The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of
Technology, pp. 480-485
43. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gIT, enterprise reform,
and productivity in Chinese manufacturing firmsh, Journal of Asian Economics 19(4),
August 2008, pp.325-333
44. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gGrowing R&D
Collaboration of Japanese Firms and Policy Implications for Reforming the
National Innovation Systemh, Asia Pacific Business Review 14(3), July 2008 ,
pp.339 - 361
45. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gLicensing or not
licensing? An empirical analysis of the strategic use of patents by Japanese
firmsh, Research Policy 37(9), July 2008, pp. 1548-1555
46. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gFast Growing Strategey
of SMEs by Using R&D Networksh, a paper presented at the OECD Kansas City
Workshop on High Growth SMEs, Innovation and Intellectual Assets: Strategic
Issues and Policies, May 8@2008, Kansas City, USA
47. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gComparing IT Service
Management between Japanese and US Firms by Econometric Approachh, Journal of
Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series) 15(1), 2008/4, pp.252-255
48. Yuan Yuan and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gImpact
of the Debt Ratio on Firm Investment:A case study of listed companies in Chinah,
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 08-E-011, 2008/4
49. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gComparative Analysis
of IT Management and Productivity between Japanese and U.S. Firmsh, RIETI
Discussion Paper Series 08-E-007, 2008/03
50. Xiaoyang FENG and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gIT
Management of Chinese Firms: Quantitative Analysis by Using Survey Datah, RIETI
Discussion Paper Series 08-E-008, 2008/03
51. Dale Jorgenson, Masahiro Kuroda and
Kazuyuki Motohashi, gProductivity In Asia: Economic Growth and Competitivenessh,
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007/12
52. Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gThe
Effects of Supply Chain Management Systems on Productivity through a Reduction
in Inventory Levelsh, Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information
16(3), December 2007, pp.35-44
53. Akira Goto and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gConstruction
of a Japanese Patent Database and a first look at Japanese patenting activitiesh,
Research Policy 36 (9), 2007/11, pp.1431-1442
54. Kazuyuki Motohashi and Xiao Yun, gChina's innovation system reform and
growing industry and science linkages h, Research Policy 36 (8), 2007/10, pp.1251-1260
55. Kazuyuki Motohashi , gA Comparative
Analysis of Japanese, U.S., and Korean Firms on IT and Managementh, RIETI
Discussion Paper Series 07-E-047, 2007/07
56. Takahito Kanamori and Kazuyuki
Motohashi, gInformation Technology
and Economic Growth:Comparison between Japan and Koreah, RIETI Discussion Paper
Series 07-E-009, 2007/03
57. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gThe Changing Autarky
Pharmaceutical R&D Process: Causes and Consequences of Growing R&D
Collaboration in Japanese Firmsh, Journal
of International Technology Management 39( 1/2), 2007
Motohashi, gFirm level analysis of information network use and productivity in
Japanh, Journal of Japanese and
International Economies 21(1), 2007/3, pp.121-137
Motohashi, gChina's National Innovation System Reform and Growing Science
Industry Linkageh, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 14, 2 (2006),
pp.49-65 @2006/09
Motohashi, gGlobalization of Japanese Firms and its Impact on Domestic Economyh,
2006 APPC Conference at Seoul, August 17-18, 2006
Kanamori and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gCentralization or Decentralization of
Decision Rights? Impact on IT Performance of Firmsh, RIETI Discussion Paper
Series 06-E-032, 2006/07
Motohashi, gThe IT Revolution's Implications for the Japanese Economy, in
Japan: Moving Toward a More Advanced Knowledge Economyh, T. Shibata ed., World
Bank Institute, Washington DC, 2006/06
Motohashi, gLicensing or Not Licensing? : Empirical Analysis on Strategic Use
of Patent in Japanese Firmsh, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 06-E-021, 2006/04
Motohashi, gR&D of Multinationals in China: Structure, Motivations and
Regional Differenceh, RIETI Discussion Paper Series,06-E-005,2006/02
W.Jorgenson and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gInformation technology and the Japanese
economy ?h, Journal of the Japanese and
International Economies 19(4), December 2005, Pages 460-481
66. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gIT, Enterprise Reform
and Productivity in Chinese Manufacturing Firmsh, RIETI Discussion Paper
Takahito and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gMeasurement of E-commerce: Japanese
Experience and its Comparison with Korea and Chinah, in Proceeding of the 2nd
International Conference on Information Statistics of the Internet
Measurement, Analysis and Applications, August 25-26, 2005, Seoul
Motohashi, gAssessing Japanfs Industrial Competitiveness by International
Productivity Level Comparison with China, Korea, Taiwan and United States,
International Conference on Productivity and Efficiencyh, Academia Sinica
Economic Institute, June 20, 2005, Taipei
Motohashi, gGlobalization of Japanese Economy and its Impact on SMEs, presented
at 2005 EWC/KDI Conference on
Restructuring SMEs in the Age of Globalization at East West Centerh, Honolulu
Hawaii , 21-22 July 2005
Motohashi, gUniversity-industry collaborations in Japan: The role of new
technology-based firms in transforming the National Innovation Systemh, Research Policy 34(5), June 2005, pp.583-594
Men and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gThe Role of Technology Market in Economic
Development in Chinah , presented at STEPI-ASIALICS International Conference,
April 18-19, 2005, Jeju Seoul
B. K.
Atrostic, P. Boegh-Nielsen, Kazuyuki Motohashi and S. Nguyen, gTechnologie de
l'information, productivite et croissance des entreprise:resultats bases sur de
nouvelles microdonnees internationalsh, L'Actualite Economique 81(1-2), pp.
255-280, March 2005
Motohashi, gChinafs Innovation System Reform and Growing Industry and Science
Linkagesh, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 05-E-011,2005/03
Motohashi, gThe Changing Autarky Pharmaceutical R&D Process:Causes and
Consequences of Growing R&D Collaboration in Japanese Firmsh, February 2005
Matsuura and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gMarket Dynamics and Productivity in Japanese
Retail Industry in the late 1990'sh, RIETI Discussion Paper 2005-E-01, 2005/01
Motohashi and Yue Ximing, gIT, Enterprise Reform and Productivity in Chinese
Manufacturing Firmsh, presented for the Conference on IT Innovation, December
13-14, 2004
Motohashi, gJapanfs Patent System and Business Innovation: Reassessing
Pro-Patent Policiesh, in Patents, Innovation and Economic Performance,
OECD Conference Proceedings: 2004, OECD Paris
Atrostic, P Bough-Nielsen and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gIT, Productivity and Growth
in Enterprise: New Results from International Micro Datah, in The Economic
Impact of ICT: Measurement, Evidence and Implications,2004, OECD Paris
Motohashi, gDoes Active Use of Technology Market Spur R&D?: Empirical
Analysis of IP Strategy of Japanese Firmsh, presented for OECD-WIPO conference
on patent statistics, October 2004, WIPO, Geneva
Motohashi, gMeasuring E-Commerce in Japan: Statistical Issues and Challengesh,
in Conference Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Information
Statistics of the Internet: Measurement, Analysis and Applications, August
19-20, 2004, Macao and Hong Kong, pp. 179-191
Motohashi, gJapanfs Long-term Recession in 1990fs: Fall of Industrial
Competitivenessh, Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Working Paper #04-08
Motohashi, gQuantifying IT EconomyFSurvey
of IT Statistics in Japanh, Presented for OECD/ICCP/WPIIS Meeting, April 2004,
OECD, Paris
and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gPotential Growth of the Japanese and U.S. Economies in
the Information Age h, ESRI Discussion Paper, March, 2004
Motohashi, gOECD/TIP Project on Biopharmaceutical National Innovation Systemsh,
National Report JapanCMarch 2004,OECD, Paris
85. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gEconomic Analysis of
University-Industry Collaborations: the Role of New Technology Based Firms in
Japanese National Innovation Reformh, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 04-E-001,
86. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gThe Japanese
Model:Shifts in Comparative Adventage Due to the IT Revolution and
Modularizationh, Journal of International Trade and Industry, November/December
2003, Japan Economic Foundation, Tokyo, Japan
87. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gFirm Level Analysis of
Information Network use and Productivity in Japanh, RIETI Discussion Paper
Series 03-E-021, 2003/09
88. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gJapan's Patent System
and Business Innovation: Reassessing Pro-patent Policiesh, RIETI Discussion
Paper Series 03-E-020, 2003/09
89. Dale.W.Jorgenson and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gEconomic
Growth of Japan and the United States in the Information Ageh, RIETI Discussion
Paper Series 03-E-015, 2003/07
90. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gRecent Development in
Research and Innovation Policy in Japanh, Hitotsubashi University, Institute of
Innovation Reserch Working Paper #03-03, 2003/3
91. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gSpotlight on Japan's
Competitiveness, Journal of International Trade and Industryh, Japan Economic
Foundation, Tokyo, Japan, Part3:Rebuilding Japan's Innovation System to Meet
the Challenges of the IT Revolution(January/February 2003)
92. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gFalls of Japanese
Competitiveness in 1990's:Assessment of Structural Factors behind Economic
Growth Slowdown since 1980'sh, Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation
Research Working Paper #03-01, 2003/1
93. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gUse of Plant Level
Micro-data for SME Innovation Policy Evaluation in Japanh, OECD Science,
Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2002/12
Motohashi, gSpotlight on Japan's Competitiveness,Journal of International Trade
and Industryh, Japan Economic Foundation, Tokyo, Japan, Pert2:The Emergence of
Asian Nations and the Competitiveness of Japanese Manufacturing
Industry(November/december 2002)
Motohashi, gSpotlight on Japan's Competitiveness, Journal of International
Trade and Industryh, Japan Economic Foundation,Tokyo,Japan,Part1:Overall Evaluation
of Japan's International Competitiveness (September/October 2002)
Atrostic, P Bough-Nielsen and Kazuyuki Motohashi, gIT, Productivity and Growth
in Enterprise: Evidence from new international micro datah, presented at IAOS
(International Association of Official Statistics) New Economy Conference in
London, August 2002
Motohashi, gMeasuring E-commerce: Lesson from the ICT Workplace Survey in Japanh,
presented at OECD expert meeting on "Definition and Measuring Electronic
Commerce", Stockholm, April 2002
Motohashi, gConceptual Mapping of Service Innovation: The Role of IT and
Implications on New Indicatorsh, Journal of Science Policy and Research
Management 16(3/4), 2001, pp.203-213
Motohashi, gDevelopment of Longitudinal Micro-Datasets and Policy Analysis for
Japanese Industrial Sectorsh, RIETI Discussion Paper 01-E-7, 2001
100.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gUse of Plant Level Micro-data for
SME Innovation Policy Evaluation in Japanh, RIETI Discussion Paper 01-E-6, 2001
101.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gEconomic Analysis of Information
Network Use: Organizational and Productivity Impacts on Japanese Firmsh, mimeo,
January 2001
102. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gNational Industrial Technology
Development Strategies and Japanfs Innovation Systemh, Journal of International Trade and Industry, May/June 2000 19, pp. 33-38, Japan Economic Foundation,
Tokyo, Japan
103.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gChanging Nature of Japanese Firm? :
Technology Adoption, Organizational Structure and Human Resource Strategyh, in Micro- and Macrodata of Firms:
Statistical Analysis and International Comparison, S. Biffignandi ed. 1999,
Physica-Verlag, New York
104.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gThe Role of Technology in Manufacturing
Employment and Productivity Growth: A Cross Country Micro Data Analysis of
Japan and the United Statesh, with Ronald Jarmin, in Micro- and Macrodata of Firms: Statistical Analysis and
International Comparison, S. Biffignandi ed. 1999, Physica-Verlag, New York
105.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gStructural Aspects of the Asian
Financial Crisish, Asia Pacific Review
5(3), 1998, pp. 27 – 49
106.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gInstitutional Arrangement for
Access to Confidential Micro-level Data in OECD countriesh, OECD STI Working
Paper, 1998-3
107. Kazuyuki Motohashi, gTechnology, Productivity and
Employment: Insights from Firm Level Micro-datasets in France, Japan and the
United Statesh, July 1998, OECD, Paris
108.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gInnovation Strategy and Business
Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Firmsh, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 7, pp. 27 – 52
109.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gHow Japan-US Economic
Interdependency Changed from 1985 to 1990?: Some Findings from Price Adjusted
MITIfs Inter-country IO Tablesh, Economic
Systems Research 10(1), 1998, pp. 45 – 62
110.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gMeasuring Services Innovations
and Information Technologyh, a paper presented for the workshop on new S&T
statistics, June 1998, OECD, Paris, France
111.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gICT Diffusion and its Economic
Impact on OECD countries, OECD Science
Technology and Industry Review, no. 20, pp.13-45, 1997, OECD, Paris, France
112.Kazuyuki Motohashi and R.Nezu, gWhy Do Countries Perform Differently?h, The OECD Observer, No. 206, June/July
1997, pp.19-22, OECD, Paris
113.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gJapanese Experience of
Longitudinal Dataset Analysis and International Perspectivesh, in The Evolution of Firms and Industries,
S. Laaksonen ed., pp.50-64, 1997, Statistics Finland, Helsinki, Finland
114.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gUse of Information Networks,
Organizational Changes and Productivity: Firm Level Evidence in Japanh, a paper
presented for the NBER Summer Institute: Productivity Workshop, July 1996,
Cambridge, USA
115.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gR&D, Spillover and
Productivity: Survey of Economic Studies for Japanese Manufacturersh, a paper
presented for the OECD Expert Workshop on Technology, Productivity and
Employment: Macroeconomics and Sectoral Evidence, June 1996, Paris France
116.Masahiro Kuroda, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Kazushige
Shimpo, gIssues on the International Comparison of Productivity; Theory and
Measurementh, in Industry Productivity:
International Comparison and Measurement Issues, pp. 49-95, 1996, OECD,
Paris, France
117.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gFirm Level Survey of Information
Network in Japanh, a paper presented for OECD Economic Workshop of Information
Infrastructure No. 2, December 1995, Istanbul, Turkey
118. M. Doms, J. Jensen, F. Kramarz, Kazuyuki Motohashi
and V. Nocke, gA Micro Economic Comparison of the Manufacturing Sectors in
France, Japan and the United Statesh, a paper presented for the NBER Summer
Institute: Productivity Workshop, July 1995, Cambridge, USA
119.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gThe World Input-Output Table:
Compilation Aspects, Analysis and Future Prospectsh, a paper presented for the
34th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, August 1994,
Groningen, Netherlands
120.Kazuyuki Motohashi, gJapanese Industrial Policy of
Computer Industry: Policy Instruments & Institutional State-Business
Relationshiph, unpublished paper presented for the World Bank, May 1993